Yasmin Pakzad
Entrepreneur, Wellbeing Activist & Speaker
Half Persian half German, Yasmin was introduced to the Eastern and Western world views also through yoga and philosophy from the age of 9. A multi-dimensional background and her curiosity were the DNA and training for bridging and synthesising the seemingly disparate, and have shaped her path.
After an MBA in Luxury, she held regional and global roles in several multinationals including Unilever and JWT, with a focus on strategic planning, brands and communication for developing global brands. Her entrepreneurial start-ups spanned AI and lingerie, with heroic failures along the way.
Yasmin founded Luxe Brand Assets, which is a hotel & real estate asset management and operations business, born out of a passion for hotels and all things soulful hospitality.
She is working on a new vision of wellbeing and social impact that could be transformative for inclusiveness in the hospitality sector, redefining wellbeing and the guest experiences. Over the last years, she has been an advocate for the People Planet Profit - triple bottom line approach - to value creation.
Yasmin is a Wellbeing speaker and activist, grounded in a lifelong love, study and training in Mind Body Spirit Sciences. Amongst others, she is a Breathwork and Kundalini Yoga teacher. Her Wellbeing advocacy is coming to life in her new platform “Awareness Conversations”.
Passionate about mentoring and supporting women, particularly entrepreneurs, she has also served as a mentor with offenders in prison, and girls in socioeconomically disadvantaged environments.
One of her mantras currently is - Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.