Rosalía Arteaga
First Female President of Ecuador
Rosalía Arteaga is the first Ecuadorian woman to become President and Vice-President of the Republic of Ecuador. She was also Vice-Minister of Culture and Minister of Education.
Currently, Dr. Arteaga is CEO of FIDAL Foundation and President of International University of La Rioja UNIR - Ecuador.
She is a member of the following institutions:
The World Academy of Art and Sciences
The Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria (Egypt).
Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of European Doctors
High Commissioner Panamazonia, Manaos – Brazil
Senior Executive Education Advisor of the China U.S. Business Association.
Member of the Board of the Universities of Otavalo and SEK
Member of the Advisory Board of International Relations at the University of Miami
Member of the Atlantis Group.
Member of the board of Women Political Leaders
Member of the World Sustainable Development Forum
Member of the Women Economic Forum
Dr. Arteaga is Honorary Professor of Fujian University of China, University of Tarapoto of Peru, Catholic University of Cuenca, and Doctor Honoris Causa from California International University.
She is a writer, gives conferences, promotes education and environment care, and collaborates with national and international media.