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Nancy Fayad

Research Fellow, Lebanese American University

Dr. Nancy Fayad holds a Ph.D. in biology from Saint-Joseph University of Beirut in Lebanon and a Ph.D. in agronomical sciences and bioengineering from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She is currently a research faculty and postdoctoral research fellow at the school of pharmacy of the Lebanese American University (LAU).


Her research works revolves around uncovering the secrets of the micro-verse: a entire community of microorganisms living in our bodies and in the environment around us, keeping in mind that some are good and others can be bad.

Nancy has won several scholarships and awards throughout her career so far, most recently she is a winner of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Sciences – Levant young talents program. Currently Nancy is continuing her research work at LAU’s multi-omics laboratory, while teaching several courses and training students.

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