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Fatema Al Ameen

Security Specialist, Bahrain Petroleum Co

Eng. Fatema Al Ameen joined Bahrain polytechnic as a student and was quick to capture the admiration of her academic supervisors for her interest in cyber security and networking, after which she received a scholarship to study.


She has a BA in Information Technology and Systems Engineering from Australia where she studied core cybersecurity subjects but officially majored in IT.


After graduation, Eng. Fatema was appointed as a security specialist at the National Bank of Bahrain and later joined BAPCO to carry out compliance, regulations, front-end security.


She has so far had 6 years of experience designing and developing secure systems architecture.

She is a member of the Women in Cyber Security Middle East Group (WiCSME) and a fellow of the UK-Gulf Women In Cyber Security Fellowship Programme.

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