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Dr Dimitra Antonopoulou

Scientific Collaborator, CRWI DIOTIMA

Dimitra Antonopoulou is scientific collaborator of CRWI DIOTIMA since 2013 and Supervisor of Gender Based Violence Case Management since 2017.


She has a long- term experience in Counseling Support (individual, group sessions), in empowering and motivating vulnerable social groups, as well as in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of training and awareness raising activities on gender issues and the prevention and managing of gender based violence. She has been actively involved in networking actions and committees aimed at combating violence against women and at the social integration of women refugees.

​Previously, she has cooperated with: Research Centre for Gender Equality(KETHI), Reintegration Centre for ex-prisoners EPANODOS, Pan-Hellenic Confederation of Unions of Agricultural Co-operatives (PASEGES), Union of Women Cooperatives in Greece (EAVOSE) & in EPEAEK - KALLIRROI pr. of the Department of Psychology - Aristotle University.

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